Solomon's Seal Salve
Solomon’s Seal Salve
-To be used topically. Do not ingest.
-1.5 oz.
-SKU # SS-S9
*Ingredients & Benefits:
Solomons Seal: Bones, joints, tendons, meniscus tear, tendonitis, rebuilds damaged cartilage and connective tissue, as needed, it lubricates, tightens and loosens tendons, ligaments, attachments, and joints that are damaged by repetitive stress, injury and inflammation, hastens recovery from arthritis, bone injuries (broken, stressed, osteoarthritis), connective tissue damage
Comfrey: Muscle and joint problems, used to heal sprains, broken bones and fractures, pulled tendons and tissue, tendonitis, arthritis
Calendula: Arthritis, rapidly soothes pain, lymphatic ganglion enlargement and inflammation, joint inflammation, muscle pain
Wintergreen essential oil: scent, cooling
Extra Virgin Olive oil: Base oil
Beeswax: Can act as an emollient (moisturizer) as well as protect your skin from the elements, but the most important role it plays is that it is what gives your salve it's stiffness and body so that it can be easily transported and applied
Used topically:
Achy Joints
Achy Muscles
Carpal tunnel
Methods of administration:
Drug Interactions:
***Please check with an interaction checker (Web MD) to see if any prescription medications you're on might interact with any supplements or herbs you may be taking or wish to take***
Suggested Use:
Apply topically.
*Disclaimer: Please do your own research before using my products. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Discontinue use if you have any side effects. Can cause allergic reactions.