• Blessed Thistle 1oz. Dry Herb
Blessed Thistle 1oz. Dry Herb

Blessed Thistle 1oz. Dry Herb

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$3.50 Availability:8


Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) Dry Herb


-Available in 1 oz.

-Sealed in a silver standup zip pouch for freshness



*Health Benefits:

·  Balanced Female System and Enriches Milk in Nursing Mothers

·  Helps balance female problems

·  Known as one of nature’s best cures for headaches

·  Helps with balancing hormones

·  Also helps to treat painful menstruation

·  Treats dysmenorrhea

·  Amenorrhea

·  Known as a great prevention for chronic illness

·  Has strong blood purifying properties

·  Has been known to strengthen the heart and lungs

·  Known to strengthen the liver and kidneys. 

·  It has been used to treat jaundice

·  Hepatitis

·  Arthritis

·  It also improves circulation and memory

·  Helpful with fevers

·  Respiratory allergies


Magickal Properties:

·  Protection against negativity

·  Protection against evil

·  Purification

·  Breaking hexes

·  Renews strength and vitality

·  Joy

·  Protection

·  Mental clarity



·  Zinc                       

·  Selenium

·  Potassium             

·  Vitamin A

·  Sodium                 

·  Vitamin B Complex

·  Calcium                 

·  Vitamin C

·  Magnesium

·  Niacin

·  Phosphorus



·  Should not be used internally during pregnancy

·  Avoid direct contact because it can cause skin and eye irritation

·  Handle carefully

·  Avoid if you are allergic to Chamomile, Daisy's, or Ragwort


Methods of administration:

·  Tea

·  Tincture

·  Capsules

·  Poultice

·  Soak



·  Tonic

·  Contraceptive

·  Aphrodisiac

·  Anti-inflammatory


Drug Interactions:

·  None Known

***Please double check with an interaction checker (Web MD) to see if any prescription medications you're on might interact with any supplements or herbs you may be taking or wish to take***



Suggested Use:

  • Make a tincture/herbal extract by mixing 1 part dry herb to 4 parts alcohol (80 proof vodka NOT rubbing alcohol).  Shake every day for 6 weeks, strain and store in an amber glass bottle in the dark.  Take 6-15 drops 2 times a day for the above health reasons.

  • Make an oil by mixing one part dried powder to 4 parts Extra Virgin olive oil.  You can either follow the directions of the tincture above but replace the alcohol with olive oil or make a double boiler on the stove by placing a pan with water on the stove with water in it and a glass container, preferably a glass measuring cup with a spout inside the pan of water.   Fill the glass container with the herb and cover with oil. Let the herb sit in the oil, stir over medium heat for 2 hours, strain and put in an amber bottle and store in a dark place. 

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